Thursday 13 August 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife Trailer (Doctor Who)

(amazing picture made by Seduff)


Finally got a new video up (sorry its not a proper one, life is too busy at the moment! Lol)
So I got sent a message about a new film coming out called The Time Travelers Wife, I had never heard of the book or film, but the trailer looked so good, and I instantly thought of Who (as you do) so I decided to make a trailer for the film using Who clips. I am pretty proud of this one, so hopefully you all like it :)

Saturday 27 June 2009

New Video! Turn Left

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This is a video based on AnonymousCatts amazing fanfic Take The Left which I recommend you all read!
Basic Storyline is:
The Doctor visits the market of Shan Shen, and comes across a fortune teller, whom at first tries to figure out who he is. As she looks deeper she sees a female who calls herself Rose and gives The Doctor the oppurtunity to take the other lever which was the one Rose actually took in Doomsday and change the timeline. He does and sees what kind of a future he and Rose could have had, eventually he has to end it and set the timeline straight by killing himself.

Show: Doctor Who
Song: Let Me Sign Robert Pattinson

Enjoy Thanks for watching!

Saturday 16 May 2009


If you are reading this and dont want to be spoiled then I suggest you look away now, for the rest of you...O M G!

I was looking on and I found a-mazing news!

Rumours have been circulating for months about the return of Ros,e for David Tennant's last episode in which he will regenerate into The Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith. And now there is proof as Billie has been seen filming with David Tennant and Camille Coduri, whilst wearing a wooly hat and scarf!

This makes me want to see the finale even more!!!
By the way you can see the pictures here

Sunday 12 April 2009

Planet Of The Dead

So what did everyone think? I thought it was great! It had everything! Humour, adventure, sadness, flying buses, Donna references (yay!) easter eggs, it was brilliant! Who else felt really sorry for The Doctor at the end though, he said no to Christina coming with her because he didnt want to lose her like everyone else :( At least we got a little teaser of whats to come:

"Your song must end soon" Well we all know what that means

"He will knock three times" The Master? Midnight? Some connection possibly, we never did find out what that thing in Midnight was! The knocking could be the drumming!

Ok am far too excited about the rest of the specials now!

Sunday 29 March 2009

Angels On The Moon

This is an old video that I started last year, and never got round to finishing, but I absolutely love this song, so it had to be completed,plus it was really fun to make.Nothing fancy but I hope you like it, I don't think it's one of my best but I thought it needed finishing.And yesh! I added a little bit of Nine! Because I love him and he gets neglected! =[

Friday 13 March 2009

Comic Relief Video

New Comic Relief video!
So What - Doctor Who
Make sure you do something funny for money!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

YouTube Background!

I have requested Hannah (better known as YouTube's TheDoctorsRose2) to make me a YouTube background. She finished it today and it is fantastic!
You can see it here on deviantART or you can visit my youtube channel and see it there!
I love it so thank you very much Hannah!

The Man Of Her Dreams

Video Banner:

A 17 year old Rose Tyler keeps on having strange dreams about a man who travels around in time and space in a blue box. And soon she cant stop thinking of them, she sees him when she is out, but looks again and there is nobody there. She keeps seeing him and the blue box but she doesnt know if they are real or just her imagination and her dreams that are coming to life.So what happens in two years time, when the ninth doctor regenerates? She has seen this man before in her dreams. So were the dreams just dreams or were they actually telling her the future?

Monday 2 February 2009

First Spirit Trap Video!

Video Banner:

Jenny - Something I Can Never Have

Yay! My first non-Who vid! (Not even sure if its worth uploading really but ah well)
A very,very short Spirit Trap video, starring Billie, nothing special, just something to test my skills on Vegas (still learning hehe)
Also its kind of a anniversary video because I have now been on YouTube for a year! Woo!
So thanks to all my friends and suscribers!
Song by Flyleaf

Tuesday 27 January 2009


I have never really made a blog before, but I thought I might give it a shot.
If you would like to add me anywhere else on the tinternet then I also have YouTube, Vimeo and deviantART accounts!

Here I will be posting mostly any video banners, new videos or any news about my vids as well as some mini ficlets or anything else random that I make. Thanks for looking!